This checklist will help you strategically focus your time, on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, on income-producing activities to earn all available bonuses and rank advancements in the most efficient manner possible within your first 90 – 120 days as a new Kannaway Entrepreneur. You can download a printable PDF version of the Checklist for New Entrepreneurs here.

However, within your first 30 days, the most important tool for you to use to launch your new business is Kannaway’s Getting Started Guide. To learn more about the ‘Getting Started Guide’, go here.



Enroll with an appropriate initial order.
Set up your SmartShip.

To understand the importance of enrolling with an appropriate initial order and setting up SmartShip, watch this 3 minute video: The First 3 Steps.

Read the official Welcome Letter from Hemp Lifestyle Network and your Sponsor here.
Set up your account. Here you can change your password, upload a photo, verify shipping and payment information, customize your replicated site, and set your compensation and placement preferences.
Watch Kannaway’s ’10 Steps to Getting Started’ short instructional videos here.
Download the ‘Getting Started Guide’ from Kannaway from our Resource Center here.
Print out the ‘Getting Started Guide’ you have downloaded (and use this guide for the next steps below).
Write down your ‘emotional and mental barrier of exit’ for yourself regarding your business. (Always share this with your Candidates when conducting HBRs and New Member Orientations).
Write down at least 100 names from your contacts to your Candidate List
Schedule with your sponsor your first Home Business Review (HBR) within your first seven days. This should be in your home (always better and more effective) or a coffee shop or virtually. Your first two Home Business Reviews will be conducted for you by your Sponsor (the person who enrolled you).
For the latest updates and announcements on training, events, promotions, recognition, etc., follow these two groups on social media: Kannaway Corporate and Hemp Lifestyle Network.
Download to your phone the Kannaway Mobile App for company alerts, to share videos you can track, contact management, and to manage your entire Kannaway business from your phone.
To learn about any area of your Kannaway business, access Kannaway’s FAQ webpage here.

Share with Candidates who are looking for a way to change or improve their lifestyle but need to learn more before they commit to attending your Home Business Review.

Share with Candidates who need to learn more about the products and/or company before they commit to attending your Home Business Review.


Add names to your Candidate list.
Focus on reaching out (text or call) to at least 6 people a day to invite them to evaluate some information about Kannaway.
Do at least 3 IPA’s (income producing activities) per day.*

*IPA’s are activities that generate a sale and/or enrollment.  Some examples of income producing activies include conducting Home Business Reviews (HBRs) and New Member Orientations (NMOs), as well as participating in 3-way calls, Zoom meetings, Facebook/IG Lives, etc.


Enroll 3 new Entrepreneurs with an appropriate initial order in your first 30 days.
Download and use the Welcome Email Template with your new Entrepreneur team members

Manager Rank
Director Rank
Director Rank Advancement Commission ($200 within first 30 days)
Senior Director Rank
Senior Director Rank Advancement Commission ($400 within first 60 days or $200)


Enroll another 3 new Entrepreneurs with an appropriate initial order.
Help your new team enroll their first 3 entrepreneurs.
Conduct the first two Home Business Reviews for your newly enrolled Entrepreneurs.

Executive Director Rank ($500 – $1,500 monthly Minimum Income Guarantee)
Executive Director Rank Advancement Commission ($500 within first 60 days or $250)


Continue to enroll another 3 new Entrepreneurs every month with an appropriate initial order.
Help your new team enroll their next 3 Entrepreneurs.
Continue to conduct the first two Home Business Reviews for your newly enrolled Entrepreneurs (and your team is now doing the same for their new entrepreneurs thus effectively duplicating this process).

Area Director Rank ($1,500 – $4,500 monthly Minimum Income Guarantee)
Area Director Rank Advancement Commission ($2,500 within first 120 days or $1,250)


You have been laser-focused to accomplish all that is possible within your first 120 days as a Kannaway Entrepreneur. There are a few simple things we can recommend you can do to bring yourself to the next level and become the leader that your team can look up to.

  • Attend and participate in as many corporate events (virtual or live) as possible.
  • Attend and participate in as many corporate and team trainings (virtual or live) as possible.
  • Take any personal development and sales training courses that are freely offered by qualified Kannaway leaders.



Hemp Lifestyle Network Resource Center  Educate. Embrace. Empower. 


Executive Summary for Candidates (PDF) Use this for talking points with your Candidates and also to send to Candidates who have gone through the Complete Process but have still not made the decision to enroll as a an Entrepreneur. Download the PDF document here.

Executive Summary for Customers (PDF) Use this for talking points with your potential Customers and also to send to potential Customers who are interested in our products but have yet to make the decision to enroll as a Customer. Download the PDF document here.

Business Testimonials  Short videos you can share with your candidates to validate our lifestyle business or to create interest.
Products Explained  Videos you can share with customers who need more validation about the science, quality and uses behind the products.
Scientific Cannabinoid Research From Por Grace (Kannaway’s third-party non-profit organization). Here you will find research articles and literature reviews, organized alphabetically by ailments and conditions, from the medical community’s peer-reviewed journals. Newly-published studies are added regularly.
Cannabinoid Education Blog articles from Por Grace (Kannaway’s third-party non-profit organization) on the potential of cannabinoids to support eye health, gut health, neural health, skin health, and bone health.


Hemp Lifestyle Network Facebook Group (for Kannaway Entrepreneurs only)Used for welcoming new Kannaway Entrepreneurs, recognizing achievements, promoting major events, and providing important updates and announcements. To be accepted as a member and gain access to this resource, go to this link and answer all the required questions: